Two Greens For The Price Of Level Heads

 When I do TDD, I tend to take things ultra slow, I think it is better to ensure that each brick is laid with care than to rush the finishing of this particular arrangement or that. So I always try to aim low for these little pomodoro sessions and if we get more so much the better.

As I was coding this i realized it makes more sense to have the Djehuti functions handle parsing of the metadata, this way a preparsed and a postparsed copy can be diffed for comparison and analysis and reversions can occur with regularity if necessary, everything can be linked to specific versions through uuids, it all just makes sense on a gut level (I'm following a scent here, not a map) so I decided in the moment to actually write the second test to verify that the parsing is NOT happening at the MDWxrd level (like in the constructor), it should properly be something handled by Djehuti as Wxrds are processed in various ways, with new UUIDs being generated for each new "Minting" of a Myriad Token (working title, not sure if I'm married to that, but ultimately each MDWxrd is a Myriad Token, a tag and ticket that is both membership and currency in the myriad ecosystem)

See changeset Add unit tests for MDWXRD for both metadata included and non metadata scenarios for the code at present... Thanks for watching ;)


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