AFK Planning
Gonna do some AFK Planning today (mobile doesn't count) regarding what we want to see behind the P. Should be Playground and Praxis, my intuition tells me a Playground that turns into Praxis, I wanna fold the previous ideas about Amateur Hour into the playground element and then have tools somehow unlockable that turn the sandbox environment into a more serious studio for actual practice in accordance with the hydra headed apprenticeship ideas (wherein logged Praxis is treated much like getting ones pilots license, a verifiable public record log book that creates a lineage of credibility, which being public, at least within the group, can be audited at any time, ferreting out misleading representations while cultivating relevant and useful ones with the Zhones of DZV... Don't worry if lots of that doesn't make sense, most of the jargon bits are code references to things in my personal notes and it bears reminding that this is first and foremost my personal log, a way to org...