Content Needs To Be Separated From FM
One of the things I absolutely love about the Open Source community (and why I endeavor to make all my projects Open Source as well) is that I learn so much from peeking into the code of others dealing with similar develepmental goals, in this case, parsing front matter from markdown. I did some googleing and some investigation into open code bases in similar areas and found inspiration to go a certain way.
Djehuti createMDWxrd Needs to parse everything that isn't front matter into a content field like so many other front matter parsers out there, then we need to render the content as markdown, not the entire file with front matter. This will achieve the earlier desired goal of being able to toggle the FM independently of the Markdown, if we parse them separately on read, then they are independantly available to all future operations.
First instinct is to just keep processing lines after second delimiter is found and append them all to content field. Gonna pursue that route, cowboy style, updates to follow...
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