Tabris Layouts

As I started to toy about with Tabris the first thing I ran into was I couldn't just add multiple buttons without them overlapping each other, so I figured I need to look into how they are handling layout management. Today's focus is going to be an exploration of that, gonna start digging and tinkering.


I like to start simple.

We already have the Page Based app with a working button, and when I copied the existing file to create a new component, I was able to swap the two out so I know I can have one report/process per page at the very basic level of it, all I need it a way to add more buttons without overlap to get up and running quickly (we can always rearrange things later, I need the functionality asap) 

So first, things first, I wanna figure out how to add more buttons...


Referencing, I found a snippet using Stack, which I added and got the result I want, now I wanna create a TextView Stack in my MyriadMdrlPage :)


That was easy enough, with Sublime Text I simply highlighted all the "- [ ]" values by highlighting and the pressing CTRL+D until all were selected, then replaced them with the opening and closing tags all at the same time (Sublime is so great honestly mutliple cursors how did i ever live without them)


That's it for today, checkout changeset Add Stack Layout To Main Page and MyriadMdrlPage for what we did codewise


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