Behind The M

I feel like coding is so much about being in a certain headspace and I think music plays a big part for me. So in the spirit of exploring Heavenly Maschine Gnosis, I'd like to share what's holding tone rights for today's session (Coding/Hacking/Feeling like an 80s scifi superhero by user dewanderer on Spotify).

In our last session, I got the tests to go from red to green, so I think we can start moving the Wxrds implementation we brought over from dark-shadow-sun-fire into the MDWxrd direction we've prepared for. 

My main goal here is to allow uploading markdown directly from my phone into the browser. The things I need to be able to upload and download to and from the site are all in markdown format (I use Obsidian but the preference shift to markdown is to support anybody that wants to speak markdown, work with tools that use and support markdown, and to ensure that what I'm working on can be taken anywhere markdown is welcome).

So, I'm going to be doing some planning today, and probably not any actual coding. I feel that it is important to take a step back and lay out a strategy before rushing into another code sprint. I'm not sure if that's agile or something else or whatever style coders prefer these days, but I do my coding like that, alternating between Water and Fire, cool, laid back planning sessions, and heated intese bursts of "getting things working", theres a back and forth to it that is very meditative (indeed, I do these projects mostly for myself, but I like to aim for openness to collaborative contributions all around).

Let's open the live app (currently hosted at and poke around a bit. Living behind the W we find the upload form from the premarkdown version of DSSF, not the prettiest at all but it was the first time I ever got a Fauna instance up and running and I have mad respect for the beautiful little creation. It's what we are attempting to emulatate and then mutate into something more markdown friendly and hopefully more attractive to look at :)

Behind the M, we find the beginnings of that effort. Our next steps will be to take MyriaD MarkDown Matrix (MDMDM) and turn it into what will become the input and retrieval portal for our particular node in the Myriad Ecosystem. 

I wanna look into the code that's powering it, to refresh my mind on its structure as we map out our planning for the next sprint. I love Netlify cli so I run my dev server using "netlify dev" from my Chromebook terminal to spin up a local instance and poke around in the live code.

Best way to figure out where something is at is to use it. When I press the "Test Create MarkDown" nothing happens, so I open the Chrome dev console with CTRL+SHIFT+I and see that it's throwing an error telling me "djehuti.createMarkdDown is not a function".

See, I totally forgot that I went down this branch days ago to create a markdown friendly implementation, but it totally doesn't matter thanks to the glory of the robot overlords ;) the error messages are always your friend and you can trust the machine to tell you when you've forgotten something, CODING IS A SYMBIOSIS :)

Anyways, my first thought is just to try and jam the text into our new method djehuti.createMDWxrd and see what happens (trust the robot overlords, they will guide you home to BABALON ;)

Timer just went off, so that's it for today kids. Tune in again tommorrow when we see what I'm going to do to undo that prior decision to fork the api into two different heads, and how we're gonna get that current error (NO TELLING IF YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS, save that for the diligents who clone the repo from changeset Behind the M and run it for themselves). 

For everyone else not impatiently excited, I'll be back tomorrow with the next phase iteration in this church of digital permutations.



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